Cultivating Vital Congregations

This series is a guide designed to help your congregation’s leaders listen deeply and honestly to God, your congregation and your community, understand what is and is not working, and discern helpful steps to improve the congregation’s vitality.

Use this six part video workshop with your congregation’s leaders. Gather your team, watch each video and complete the assigned pages in the workbook together.

  • Link to Workbook

    Use this workbook along with the videos to guide your discussion .

  • Learn what it means to be vital and assess your congregation’s vitality.

    Link to Video 1

  • Link to Video 2:

    Look at what makes your congregation strong and what causes it to wobble and fall.

  • Link to Video part 3

    Learn about congregational life cycles and consider where your congregation is now.

  • Video Link

    Learn the difference between technical and adaptive change and determine what changes your congregation faces.

  • Video part 5

    How adaptive change works.

  • Video link

    How to take actions that will result in adaptive changes that last.