Vital Congregations

Lessons and Stories of Vital Congregations

Brief stories illustrating the many ways congregations become vital.

Resources for Congregations

Why Church: A Lenten Study: Coming January 2024

Cultivating Vital Congregations

What We Can Learn From Research

Vital Congregations: Comparing what it means to be vital across 10 faith traditions

What does a congregation mean when they describe themselves as spiritually vital? How does a congregation become vital? What is the relationship between vitality and sustainability? Does the answer depend on the faith tradition?

This study asked leaders from 10 different faith traditions to answer these questions. We found remarkable similarities across all traditions while also discovering the unique perspectives of each. Their answers illustrate distinct understandings about the way people interact with God and different perspectives of God’s promise of hope for the world.

Lessons learned from the Congregational Vitality Project

After years of research, I summarized some of the lessons learned about how congregations and denominations can cultivate vitality.

Lessons Learned from Synod Strategies.

This report shares the one year update from 12 separate synod strategies designed to improve congregational vitality.

Image by Bishop Jim Gonia

Image by Bishop Jim Gonia

Faith Formation, Spiritual Growth and Faith in Action: Findings from the Congregational Vitality Survey

Vital congregations help create people who live out their faith in the world, right?

This study analyzes data from 30,000 individuals from over 490 congregations nation-wide to discover the surprisingly weak relationship between a congregation’s vitality and people’s spiritual growth. Yet even though strong congregations don’t necessarily create spiritual growth, the study shows that spiritual growth matters in how people live out their faith in daily life.