Windows and Mirrors Part 1: The Window

God in the Present Moment: Drawn by Linda Bobbitt on retreat in August 2020

God in the Present Moment: Drawn by Linda Bobbitt on retreat in August 2020

As we travel along our spiritual journey with God leading us, we encounter the Windows/Mirrors. The windows/mirrors are a lot like what we see in TV crime shows. Police bring in subjects in for questioning and place them in a room with a large windows/mirrors through which the police can watch the them; but the suspects cannot see their observers.  

Through spiritual windows we catch glimpses of God and God’s glory, beauty, and vulnerability. Such windows appear in nature, in icons, and also in people – the eyes of kind strangers, those in need. Recognizing God’s presence through a windows touches and thrills our soul.

Looking at the world through the windows we can see the world as God sees it. The divine presence shows forth in all things like joy in simple beauty. There is also pain in the unnecessary suffering and in the cruelty people perpetrate on one another and nature. Seeing the world through God’s window - from God’s perspective - transforms our perspective and ultimately spurs us into action.

We experience God’s windows at different places and times. Chances are most of us have looked through God’s windows at various times in your lives.

Attached to this post is a picture that I drew after peering through a window while camping last summer. It portrays the universe at a particular moment in time. At the bottom, you see the depths of the ocean revealing a giant squid. Moving up, there are shallow waters, sandy beaches with palm trees, rivers, valleys with cities, forests, snowy mountains and finally the sky with stars and distant galaxies. Yellow rays streaming down from the stars into the depths of the ocean and vice versa represent God’s presence in each space at each moment.  Such a sense of God’s continuous loving presence across the vastness of creation in each and every moment astonished me!

As you can see, I am no artist; but that isn’t the point. After experiencing such a window, I felt compelled to capture it in some way to remind me of what God shown me. I drew this because words couldn’t adequately express the experience.

I encourage you to write, draw, paint, create poetry, weave, dance or otherwise express things God has shown you through windows.


Windows and Mirrors: Part 2 - The Mirror


Who is your god?