Windows and Mirrors: Part 2 - The Mirror

Sometimes instead of looking through the clear glass of a windows, the lights come up and a window becomes a mirror. Mirrors may be reflected in nature or the eyes of another, but most often they emerge in prayer and meditation.

A mirror is more than external observation or introspective reflection. Rather, God’s mirror shows us ourselves in light of all that God is and all that God longs to see in us.

For most of us, looking in a mirror is not a pleasant experience. This is especially true since God usually holds up the mirror after we have been looking through a window. It is as if we are looking through a large picture windows at a beautiful view; then suddenly it is dark outside, and the lights come up transforming the window into a mirror. Now we are face to face with ourselves reflected in the harsh light of our own room, in which we notice all our flaws. They are difficult to look at in contrast to the beauty we experienced earlier through God’s windows.

Looking into a mirror is especially painful when we notice ways in which we have fallen short – short of our own aspirations and short of God’s desires. We see plainly times we have not loved God with our whole heart have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.

It doesn’t matter how good we are. If we walk the spiritual journey, we will eventually face a mirror and it will not be easy. Just remember, we are not alone. Everyone on a spiritual path encounters mirrors, and God continues to love us - flaws and all. 

God invites all of us into a deep and mutual relationship. That can only be achieved when we are honest with God and ourselves. Though the experience is painful, it is not designed to shame us. As Paul writes ,

“But God shows his love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 (RSV)

God knows we are not perfect and loves us anyway. Through the mirror, God invites us to open our hearts to God’s experience of us – both the beautiful and the painful. The mirror shows us our flaws so that we can change for our own sake and for the sake of the world.


Windows and Mirrors: Part 3 Idols


Windows and Mirrors Part 1: The Window