Living Closely With God Enables Love to Abound


Prayer: Dear God, open my heart to receive what you want for me. Amen

Intentionally living close to God is like living in the sunshine. We are warmed by God’s love which the Holy One exudes. God’s love beaming onto us activates love within us. We find ourselves falling in love with God. We reciprocate God’s love, and our love for each other escalates. Love abounds and explodes into the world, showering everybody with unmitigated love. We love because God first loved us. It grows, multiplies from there as we willingly participate in the process.

 It all begins with God’s unfathomable love. God is love. Nothing about God is anything but love - not feely-good love - but love that will not let us go - love that is totally accepting of us as we are - warts, freckles and countless flaws. God requires nothing from us - although longs for our love in return. We are loved unconditionally, no ifs, ands or buts. In turn we need to accept our acceptance. Our acceptance opens the door for God’s love to abound -  gush in and flood our lives.

 God’s unconditional love for us, when recognized and accepted, transforms us, making us into exciting new creatures. It redirects our lives from being self-serving to being outgoing in service to others. By serving others we are serving God. God wants nothing from us but our love in return. On the other hand, God’s people do need something of what we have, and what we can do for them. We have the tools, resources and equipment. Love is the power that makes it all work. We are empowered by God’s love to do the things God needs done for his people. This is how love abounds. It is intended to fill the world.

 To reiterate, God does not require anything from us before bestowing divine blessings upon us. In turn, we are not to set up preconditions for helping others who need our particular care and gifts. We must remember that when we see homeless and hungry people. The best help we can give them is not a one time monitory gift, but to help them get on their feet. As has been said: “Rather than giving a fish to the hungry, it is better to teach them how to fish.” Of course, it is not always possible, but the best way to show our love for persons of need is to enable them to help themselves. In the meantime, we are to keep in focus we have what we have as a gift to share.

 Love is God’s power at work in us, by us and through us. We must not dam it up to be used only for our own well-being. Rather, we are to allow God’s love to flow through us into the world, for all of God’s people - all people are God’s people. While that is an important statement, even more important is transforming this concept into a reality. Let God’s love nourish you as it passes through you into the world around you. You will be blessed beyond measure, and the world will be a better place for everyone. For that to happen we must turn the idea into action. Ideas help no one until they are hatched into live action.

 Ultimately, it’s all about love. We are here because of love. We are blessed because of love. As God’s love flows into your life, be the channel to keep it flowing. Let love abound. As you grow closer to God it will abound!


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