Living with God Inspires Us


Prayer: Dear God, open my heart to receive what you want for me. Amen

Inspiration is a mysterious phenomenon. How it works is beyond our understanding. At its roots it is God breathing into us the very breath of life. Whenever that occurs, we become productive, producing things never thought of before. Inspiration is the basis of creativity. The universe and all in it are the product of God’s creativity. God was and is inspired to create new things.

There has been an extended debate over whether our cosmos is the result of God’s creative activity or physical evolution. The debate has been set up as science versus religion. It is a foolish debate. God initially created it.

Science is your human attempt to understand and utilize creation. There is absolutely no conflict. They each have a function. On the one hand, we celebrate the creation as God’s gift to us. On the other hand we continue to explore and learn how it evolves and functions, and how to manipulate it to our advantage. It is all a part of God’s plan. In essence it is a spiritual reality with a physical expression.  Furthermore, it testifies to God’s expression of pleasure concerning the creation of the physical universe in saying: “It is good” (Genesis).

Inspiration manifests itself in creativity, bringing into being something not there before, and breathing into it the breath of life. Inspiration can be a spiritual awakening, a mental idea or a physical fertilized egg. Inspiration is truly a mysterious and far-reaching phenomenon. It is the basis and origin of all that exists. God is the source of all inspiration, breathing life into everything.

How do we become inspired? It is a gift from God, as is all creation. It is a personal gift and therefore these gifts differ from one to another. We are inspired to do different things. One of us may be inspired to help people though the practice of medicine. Another may feel called to be a spiritual guide and serve in some sort of ministry. Another may possess gifts of business acumen and serve a community via a business modality.

Whatever gifts we are given are a part of the inspiration to pursue our unique calling. We therefore need to be open to whatever and however God choses to inspire us. It may be spiritual, mental or physical. Whatever form it takes, it is always God breathing the breath of life into us as a unique calling. In order to stay sensitive to this divine call it is imperative to live close to God.


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