This, That And The Other Between God And Us And God by Pr. Fred Castor

Pr. Fred Castor is writing this devotional series in the fall/winter of 2023-2024. I (Deacon Linda Bobbitt) will post his devotions in weekly installments beginning in Advent 2023. Sign up to receive these devotions as a weekly email beginning in Dec. 2023.

From Pr. Fred, “In other places I have written on the topic of Spirituality. I consider these earlier writings to be focused and cohesive. The following essays are much more diverse and scattered, which can be both bad and good. It can cause our minds to have difficulty following the course. At the same time it can be refreshing and challenging… Actually, I am attempting to pull together loose ends and fill in gaps left in earlier writings - thus the above wacky title. Hopefully, you will be able to say “Ah, yes” to at least some of what you read.”

Click here to see other writings from Pr. Fred Castor and to signup to receive new devotions.


All Of Life Becomes Prayer