All Of Life Becomes Prayer
We have come to think of prayer as a conscious speaking to God, either out loud, actually uttering the words, or quietly within our minds thinking about the words. Either way the prayer is the product of conscious thought, motivated by our desire to communicate with God. Such prayer may be intended to praise God, to ask God for help, perhaps for ourselves, or for someone else, or for the sake of the world. Most prayer is conscious mindful activity.
While mindful prayer originates and is carried out within the mind, there is something that transcends even the most mindful prayer. It is living prayer - letting our lives become living prayer. This level of prayer is elevated from the level of thoughts and words to a life dedicated to staying in constant and continued touch with the Holy One. Thus, life itself becomes a prayer. It is on a level with praying “in sighs too deep for words”.
Prayer is recognized as one of several spiritual practices, which leads us into the realm of Spirituality, which in turn leads us into God’s Presence. Accordingly, the purpose and power of prayer is to lead us into God’s Presence. Going full circle, a life that is dedicated to being a prayer is a life that is lived with the awareness that all of life is lived in God’s Presence. Whether we live life well or poorly, it is always lived in God’s Presence simply because God is everywhere at all times. Because our lives are always saying something to God, our lives are prayer.