Peek A Boo!

Most weeks I practice Centering Prayer with some folks online (Click the link to learn about Centering prayer) . It seems odd to get online in a Zoom meeting and then sit silently with people I don’t really know - but it works. At the beginning, we share major things in our lives as well as prayer concerns. Next we read a poem or writing about spirituality before practicing Centering Prayer. For 20 minutes we sit quietly opening our hearts and minds to God. When our mind wanders (which is nearly constantly), we repeat a word in our mind to come back to an awareness of where we are - sitting quietly with God and the others whom we see on our screen. After the silence we are invited to share what struck us. Next we practice Lectio Divina reflecting together on a short Bible passage. The entire time takes about an hour.

This week before Centering prayer, our facilitator Mary read a paraphrased version of the Psalm 16 written by Nan Merrill. I’ve copied it below. The Psalm rejoices in God’s loving presence. In the version below it says “My delight increases each time I sense Your presence within me!” That phrase captured my imagination during the meditation. I had an image of myself as a child playing peek-a-boo with God. Each time I opened my eyes, there was God and I giggled with surprize and delight.

This hit home because I often feel like a young child around God. When I close my eyes or get distracted by life, I can forget that God is right here with me - right now, in my face, smiling. When I notice God, I am filled with delight and God is also filled with delight watching me recognize God’s presence. I sometimes feel silly or stupid when I realize I’ve forgotten God is with me - again. I expect God to shame me, but instead, God simply smiles and reassures me of his continued presence and love - every… single… time…

Most of us spend most of our time unaware of God’s presence. We only notice God when we God interrupts us (which tends to happen when we are at our wit’s end) or when we take the time to pray. Yet even in prayer, we are often so wrapped up in ourselves, we simply talk at God without really slowing down enough to listen and sit quietly in God’s presence.

It doesn’t have to be like that. At least, not all the time.

What if we tried a new kind of prayer together - a Peek-a-boo prayer?

Sit quietly and close your eyes while opening your heart to God. When you notice you are distracted, turn back to God. Maybe God will say “Peek-a-boo!”. If not, it is your turn to shout it at God. “Peek-a-boo God”! It will feel silly, but give it a try. See what God does in response.

From “Psalms for Praying” Nan C. Merrill 

  Remain ever before me,

O Loving Presence,

for in You am I safe.

You are my Beloved; in You 

I can do all things. 


I look to those who are at one 

with You and learn from them of your ways; 

My delight increases each time

I sense Your presence within me! 


Love is my chosen food, my cup, 

holding me in its power.

Where I have come from,

Where'er I shall go, 

Love is my birthright, 

my true estate. 


I bless the Counselor who guides my way;

in the night also does my heart instruct me.

I walk beside the Spirit of Truth; 

I celebrate the Light.


Thus my heart is glad, and my soul rejoices.

I shall not be afraid,

nor fall into the pit of despair;

In Love's presence there is fullness of joy.   


Lament – an Antidote for Toxic Positivity


I See You - Right Here, Right Now