Living Close to God Leads to Generosity
Linda Bobbitt Linda Bobbitt

Living Close to God Leads to Generosity

Generosity is not a natural state of being for most of us. We are not innately generous creatures. Rather, we are endowed with an orientation to survive, and we give survival our own definition.

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Living Close to God Brings Joy
Linda Bobbitt Linda Bobbitt

Living Close to God Brings Joy

God’s Spirit actually lives within us. Quite close! As the reality of this truth slowly matures within us, our joy expands, filling in the hidden recesses of our souls.

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Living Closer to God Leads to Freedom
Linda Bobbitt Linda Bobbitt

Living Closer to God Leads to Freedom

The burden of daily living is so ever present we assume it is normal. However, freedom coming with an intimate relationship with God can and should become the new normal.

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Exposing and Overcoming Our Biases
Linda Bobbitt Linda Bobbitt

Exposing and Overcoming Our Biases

Living closely with God is enlightening. It shines light on our inner lives - our weaknesses and biases, making us more circumspect. The revelation of how we really are, with all of our flaws, is shocking and exceedingly hard to accept. If we are not already depressed, we become depressed at learning about our true selves.

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Two Phases of Life With God
Linda Bobbitt Linda Bobbitt

Two Phases of Life With God

Life with God has two phases. Life with God on this earth is the penultimate - life before the ultimate - life in the here and now.

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A Life Changing Pursuit
Linda Bobbitt Linda Bobbitt

A Life Changing Pursuit

Living closer to God is potentially a life changing pursuit. As we pursue this promising journey, it is critical to clarify whether we are thinking about God as an idea, or God as a potent existential reality in our lives. There is a huge difference!

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“Learning to Live Closer to God” by Fred Castor
Linda Bobbitt Linda Bobbitt

“Learning to Live Closer to God” by Fred Castor

Learning to live closer to God requires us to take a step beyond our current stance and move into a significantly different and more intimate relationship with God. This step should be taken consciously and deliberately.

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