Linda Bobbitt Linda Bobbitt


When I was young, I watched Star Trek- the original one with James T. Kirk. One episode that struck me was called "The Apple". It was about a primitive people living in a paradise. The people lived in leisure with no apparent cares and no obvious industry.

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Who is your god?
Linda Bobbitt Linda Bobbitt

Who is your god?

It was my first day of seminary. I left the dorm early and walked across the courtyard and into Gullixson Hall for my first class. Though the building was old, the classroom was modern with tile floors, large windows and small tables and plastic chairs. The professor, Dr. Patrick Keifert, had arranged some of the tables into a semicircle facing the front of the room. He sat quietly before them– a large man behind a small table. He smiled as we entered but made little eye contact and said not a word. The nervous energy was electric as we all found chairs, glanced at one another and at the professor. Chit-chat subsided as the last students found seats. Soon the room hushed, waiting for the professor to say something – anything.

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